Mirmar Film Production AS
MFP was established in september 2003 with Tom Rysstad (cv-tom-rysstad-english) as General Manager. Rysstad has a BA Honours in Business Organisation. His career has focused on the film-and TV industry by producing short films, commercials and industrial films. He has also been General Manager of the largest camera rental house in Scandinavia.
MFP focus mainly on development and production of feature films, TV-drama and documentaries that can reach a big audience both national and international.

MFP launched their first feature film «Sammen» (Together) in january 2009, and the film has been selected for several major international festivals.

The company goal is that everybody who are involved in the company’s projects should have fun, whether we produce films with a serious subject matter or comedies.

The company was closed down in 2021. Inquiries to Tom Rysstad (e-mail address see below).

Mirmar Film Production AS
Mail: tom@mirmar.no
Postaladdress: PB. 275, 1319 Bekkestua
Visitingaddress: Filmparken, Jar (Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36, 1358 Jar, Bld.F, 1st.floor)
Telephone: +47 67 52 53 25
Fax:            +47 67 52 53 24
Cell:           +47 91 34 07 08

Én kommentar to “English”

  1. Just sent you an email with CV to meet with you.

    Thanks, Ian

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